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Veteran Fire Protection


Phone (800) 557-8189
Address 1403 N Batavia St Suite 112,
Orange, CA 92867 United States


We provide all of your required fire protection maintenance and repair services for your home and business including but not limited to: Fire Sprinklers, Fire Hydrants, and Fire Pumps.
Veteran Fire Protection isn’t just in our name. We are a proud, Veteran owned, company dedicated to providing 5-star quality fire protection services with the discipline, commitment, and integrity that exemplify the values ingrained in our military background. Our mission is to safeguard lives and property by offering cutting-edge fire prevention, detection, and suppression solutions. With a team of highly trained professionals, we strive to exceed expectations and ensure the safety of our communities. At Veteran Fire Protection, our dedication to excellence is not only a reflection of our name but also a testament to the honor and commitment with which we serve.

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