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Dowden Funeral Home


Phone (918) 653-2222
Address 710 W Highway 270,
Heavener, OK 74937 United States


Dowden Funeral Home is a local provider of funeral arrangements in Heavener. Visit us sometime soon at our storefront or give us a ring at (918) 653-2222.

Reviews for Dowden Funeral Home

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Dowden Funeral Home

    Posted On:

    “my experience this past monday was horriable. If you want your loved ones to have things stolen from them after passing then this is the place to put them. They took care of my father. Someone walked in and removed flowers that were sent to the family and walked out with them before services were ever done. Then the memorial folders were done on everday computer paper and the were several mistakes on them. This is something that the funeral director needs to take care of. I would not recomend this place to you unless you want people to be able to steal from the deceassed and want a crappy memorial folder done.”

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